What Goes Into a Website?

Building a website may seem like a bit of copy-and-paste, but there is a lot that goes into it.

If you are thinking of getting, or updating a site for your business or blog, here are a few things to keep in mind:

• Research other sites in your field
• Look at what is trending in terms of graphics and performance
• Prepare your very best content
• Design a detailed sitemap
• Choose a domain and check its availability and price
• Design the layout you would like
• Decide on a colour palette that matches your brand
• Choose fonts that match your brand
• Create the pages and edit to make them perfect
• Decide which content is the most eye-catching and important
• Optimize your site for SEO
• Ensure you are mobile friendly
• Get trusted opinions and make changes as you feel necessary
• Make social media your friend

If this all feels like a bit much, give us a shout! We create each website from scratch and with the utmost care.

We have a content writer and social media manager on staff too, so we can take care of you throughout your online journey.

Give us a shout at www.rebootwebsites.co.za and let’s create your perfect site!

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