Pros VS Cons of a WordPress Web Design

Having a web design that truly reflects your business and passion of your field is an absolute must.

But entering the online world the first (or even second or third) time can confuse most people.

First off, you are going to need a CMS (Content Management System).
This bad boy makes it easier for you to organize and edit pages, pictures, content, etc.
There are a few out there but we are going to concentrate on WordPress today.
Well no one is giving an honest review about it.

So Let’s get started..

“It’s the most popular CMS in the world for web design“

This is true, but popular isn’t always right. WordPress is popular because it’s free, not because it’s the best.
It has a great community that are always publishing new themes and plugins to make a website visually appealing.
It in it’s standard form it has been hacked a few times but they are always working on making it more secure.

The strength of WordPress when using it for your web design is that it’s a strong blogging platform.

“Why do I want to blog? I just want a website“

Well you need to blog, and blog as often as possible.
If you want a Website to work for you, you are going to need to work on the website and make as many articles as possible on what your business does.
Doing this makes Google think you know what you are talking about.
So when someone is looking for a product or service that you do, Google will remember that you know that product or service well and place you high in the search results.
That is the power of the blog and no business can really afford not to have one in their web design if they want new customers.
WordPress is perfect for this and google likes how WordPress structures these articles.

“WordPress makes it easy to create beautiful pages and articles“

I don’t know who came up with this crap but somehow it stuck..
Now I come from a Hacking background, I’ve been featured in the SABC News for cutting edge tech I created for the South African Police Service.. and let me tell you, the first time I went into WordPress I felt like how my mother feels when she uses her Cell Phone ..  I was F-ing clueless as to where to start or even make something look nice..

So no. WordPress is NOT easy and intuitive.
It’s irritating in the beginning and you have to spend serious time researching tutorials and the like to make a web design that looks a little bit better than a 5 year old drawing a stick man.

BUT having said that, it IS easier than the other options you have for a CMS so you’re kinda stuck with WordPress, another reason its more popular than the others.

“It has the largest collection of plugins and themes“

Yip, that correct too.
But what people don’t tell you is that 90% of these are badly coded.
So badly in some cases that you can lose all your work on a web design because that one plugin messed with the actual structure of WordPress making it not work at all, even if you remove the offending plugin, that WordPress installation is destroyed and so is the web design you were slaving to make.

Some plugins make your web design really slow.
I don’t know why these people don’t perfect their plugins when releasing them but this happens a lot.

So selecting plugins for your web design can be very tricky when you don’t know them or haven’t tested the performance of them.

“WordPress wasn’t built for e-commerce needs“

Well actually it’s not built for anything other than people talking about themselves to be honest.
But thanks to the community around it, it evolved into a decent base platform to launch any web design.
The big contender that makes it possible for an online store web design is WooCommerce.
Adding this plugin makes WordPress great for an online store. Especially when you use the blogging feature WordPress has to get the word out on the net about your product you are selling.

Now I know you are thinking that I dislike WordPress based on what you have read so far.
But to be honest, it’s grown on me quite a bit.
Gone are the days of Reboot Websites making HTML web designs for Clients in general.
Especially seeing how important it is for companies to have the blogging tools that WordPress has.
WordPress also saves time when building web designs because it is already built to be responsive and mobile friendly, once you have built the web design you just have to test and tweak out bugs that might be around.

At R399 per month, why not consider Reboot Websites to make your WordPress web design for you. With the after sales service you get once it’s live , you will definitely stand out from your competitors.

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