It’s FriYAY, guys. And in celebration of the upcoming weekend, I’m going to share a little pearl of wisdom that I learned from a friend who’s a teacher. It’s the compliment burger.
If you are engaging with clients, colleagues or friends, and need to give some feedback or advice, then you will thank me for this juicy piece of info.
The compliment burger uses just the right ingredients to give meaningful feedback, without making the other person feel confronted or hurt.
Let’s look at the recipe for feedback success:
• The bun: start your conversation with something positive
• The meat: let them know the meaty issue you are trying to get across
• The bun: finish off with something positive again
Remember that clients and staff are people too, so using a kind and helpful strategy when chatting with them will really go a long way in building and maintaining those all-important relationships.
Now… Bring on the weekend (and possibly a juicy burger)!