Four Ways to Make Your Website Work For You!

Having a great website is … well, great.  But it is not the end of your work in this area of your business.  You need to use the website, tend to it, love it, and keep it alive.  This can be a daunting task, especially if you aren’t too technically minded, but here are 4 ways you can make your website work for you.

  1. Keep it active.  In the words of our fearless leader, Miguel Carneiro, “Don’t let it gather dust.” Use every opportunity to post to your website.  Pictures, stories, articles, news, anything that will show visitors to the site, that your business is busy and happening!
  2. Use Social Media.  Your site will have the ability to share posts to social media.  This is a great opportunity to get your site moving and shaking.  It will also reach more potential customers and keep your existing ones interested in your brand.  Posting straight from the site minimizes your posting work, as you won’t need to post separately to all the different platforms you use.
  3. Search Engine Optimization.  SEO is not the be all and end all within each post.  However, you can use the pages on your website to create an SEO friendly environment.  Do the research into the optimum key words for your field and insert those into page names and headings.  It will help you rank higher in the search results with Google.
  4. Keep it Current.  Keep visitors up-to-date with your business.  You may be surprised by who is using your site and reading your posts.  Having up-to-date information and content will give the good impression that your business is current and fully active.

Your bespoke website should be USED.  Keep it handy and love it, as you use it for the job it was intended.  It is your storefront and your first impression.  Make it work for you and help make your dream business a success.. online and off!

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